Upcoming Books

It takes about $5,000.00 for our team to produce a book. We have the rough drafts of a number of books that you can review below that are awaiting this foundational funding in order to complete and publish them. If one of the books resonates with you and you’d be willing to fund its publication, we would consider it a deep honor to have you join our book-creating circle. Please give Amber or Tamarack a call at 715-546-2944 or email us at Info (at) snowwolfpublishing (dot) org.

In acknowledgment of the vital role you would play as a core funder, you would receive special recognition at the beginning of the book, and you could write your own dedication. If you would like to be more involved in the publishing process, we’d be happy to send you a copy of the manuscript and invite your feedback.

Animal Guide: Knowing Your Guardian Spirit, Clan, and Medicine Helper

by Tamarack Song

Many of us are fortunate to be at or near the step in our Life Journey where we can consciously walk with our Dodem. Some of us will meet her on our Dreamquest, in the Sweat Lodge, or elsewhere, and some of us already know her but don’t recognize her as such. Or, as occasionally occurs, our Dodem will appear directly before us and claim us. She will reveal herself when she feels welcomed and is shown Respect for her Kind. This includes Respect of Self, for Dodem and Self are of shared soul.

The awareness and Attunement skills we gain in our reawakening as Native People is the bridge between our culture and language and theirs. We will then begin to recognize our Dodem in our Dreams and in certain seemingly repetitious and somewhat out-of-the-ordinary events.

Read more here.

Blossoming the Child: A Guide to Primal Parenting

by Tamarack Song

If this book is about anything, it is about the nature of children, and when we know their nature, it becomes obvious that children are nature. They are designed for nature; they are drawn to nature; it is only because of us in our culture that they would act or live unnaturally. The process of this book is both a healing and an unraveling, so that we ourselves might come to know the natural child within, and in the process learn how to honor the true nature of our children.

Read more here.

Wilderness Stress and Trauma: Management Protocols for Therapy Programs, Outdoor Schools, and Expeditions

by Tamarack Song

Since founding The Teaching Drum Outdoor School in 1987, I have acquired an intimate understanding of the ways that the outdoors is an emotional crucible, leading to personal breakdowns and breakthroughs. I have written this book to share the lessons from my mistakes and to celebrate the practices of those who work from their Heart-of-Hearts. Many challenges have come up for me in my career—especially as I came to realize that for many people, the journey back to nature was also a healing journey. They are my second core motivation for writing this book. They need our best, and I wanted to support that by bringing our collective knowledge to the guides and instructors who could use it, in an easy-to-apply use format that they can have right at their fingertips. In this way, the text before you is a beginning—an open-ended project for you to continue. Read more here.

Breaking the Trauma Code: Prevention and Release Methods That Work the Way We Work

by Tamarack Song

A central theme of this book is to separate the trauma from its story. The two of them mix like oil and water, as our trauma memory is somatic, wordless, and permanent,and our trauma story is conscious, verbal, and changeable. The story, rooted in our explicit memory, keeps us focused on who did what to whom and why.

When we let go of the story, we allow ourselves to see things differently. Our trauma memory no longer has a direct connection with our grandfather or the circumstances-it is just a memory. Now we can embrace it for what it is to us now. We free ourselves to go down deep into our timeless, wordless self, where our trauma memory dwells. 

Read more here.

Trance-Trauma Release: Shamanic Tools for Mending the Tortured Mind

by Tamarack Song

Trance-Trauma Release is the last book in my trauma release healing trilogy, designed to help contemporary readers rediscover Traditional methods of regaining balance after stressful or traumatic episodes. It is, more than anything, a lesson in reclaiming and uplifting our primal self. Traditional healers and Zen masters have been aware of trauma and trauma memory for thousands of years, and they have been treating them successfully. What we know from these healers and masters is that the concept of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which emerged after 1980, can’t provide a solid foundation for healing because what we are addressing is not post-traumatic at all, but present-traumatic. It is the lifestyle adjustments, coping mechanisms, and cover-ups precipitated by the traumatic episode, which continue to affect our lives—what I call traumatic memory or shadow trauma. How we adapt to trauma harms us as much as the original episode. Deep healing can only happen in the present, with somatic and trance based modalities. Read more here.

The Suicide Prevention Handbook: For Hotline Staff, Therapists, and All Who Stare Into the Abyss

by Tamarack Song

While we undoubtedly hope that we would be able to recognize and prevent others from taking their own lives, being confronted with such a situation isn’t something many of us have had experience with in the past. It is my hope that this text be a resource to those who have chosen to take positions with hotlines, in mentoring, and any who would like to equip themselves with a skill set to prepare for the possibility that there may come a time when someone’s life depends upon access to understanding, care, and awareness.

Read more here.